Quatl Condensed
Free for personal use
Author's note:
Quatl is a TTF ,regular style ,available for MAC & PC.it is fancy that is comic type of fonts.Its character set contain upper case alphabet & numbers.Its family consists of quatl,italic,expanded, condensed, bold members. Basic font information Copyright notice 2002 Iconian Fonts - www.iconian.com Font family Quatl Condensed Font subfamily Condensed Unique subfamily identification Quatl Full font name Quatl Condensed Name table version 1 Postscript font name QuatlCondensed Extended font information Platforms supported PlatformEncoding MicrosoftUnicode BMP only MacintoshRoman Font details Created:2002-03-17 Revision:1 Glyph count:217 Units per Em:1000 Embedding rights:Embedding for permanent installation Family class:No classification Weight:Semi-light Width:Condensed Mac style:Bold Direction:Mixed directional glyphs Pitch:Not monospaced Visual characteristics Family type:Any Serif style:Any Arm style:Any Letter form:Any Weight:Various Proportion:Any Contrast:Any Stroke variation:Any Midline:Any X-height (corpus size):Any
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